“Weightless” is an allusion to the My Ruin song. Its lyrics condemn Hollywood for its glorification of “waif models”, and preferential treatment of women that conform to “heroine chic”.
“Rockstars have to be thin I’m afraid,” the industry ridicules. Vocalist Tairrie B counters, “You’re everything that’s wrong with America!”
It is often difficult to decipher the true meaning of a metal song. Personally, I percieve this song as a call to action. Do not fall pray to the stereotypes, expectations, and overall illusion created by the media. Make yourself UNMARKETABLE, simply by remaining an individual.
This site is not, and will never be, Pro “Ana/Mia”. Anorexia, Bulimia, binge eating, EDNOS, and all related conditions are illnesses. Eating disorders are dangerous means of coping with serious emotional trauma. Though pioneered by women and men suffering from genuine eating disorders, branches of the Ana/Mia community have expanded. A large percentage of Anas/Mias are young girls “working toward” or hoping to contract severe mental illnesses. Meanwhile, most men and women suffering from Anorexia/Bulimia are ambivalent about recovery. These sites give voice to doubts.
Many webhosts have worked to expunge Ana/Mia from the net. Their numbers have decreased steadily since the 90’s. Yet they thrive on more lenient outlets. Xanga crawls with "thinspo", extreme weight loss "challenges", and "tips and tricks" that allow those with eating disorders to drop weight rapidly and/or hide symptoms from concerned family and friends. Additionally, Facebook has put no restrictions on such content. I understand the value in online support communities. Pro Ana/Mia is not the way.
This site isn't meant to discredit or disregard anyone with an eating disorder. But since this site is fueled particularly by Bulimia Nervosa, the content often reflects this.
"Weightless" was launched between he dates of March 28-31, 2009. Feedback, suggestions, and critisisms are strongly encouraged.
On this site I have thus far incorporated my own original photography with wide spread images. These “icons” come from sites where the original creator is near impossible to locate/credit. (Think xanga, tinypic, etc.) However! If you find something of yours, don’t hesitate to contact me. I will have it removed immediately, or see that you are properly acknowledged.